Forum Solo ads Buying weekly or once a month?

19 posts / 4 likes

Hi all, As the title says looking at buying more regular from a few sellers as a strategy to build my list further in addition to other traffic sources, but do you see a trend of people doing a one off larger order once a month or smaller regular day every week/2 weeks for example? Thanks Marcus

19 posts / 4 likes

Thanks for the response ?

3 posts / 0 likes

I tried small orders from a lot of different traffic sources and vendors plus i tried different niches to see what sold most believe it o or not was free system and oeople will subscribe to your page/website

19 posts / 4 likes

Hi guys thanks very much for your responses Marcus

I thought I would add can be a mine field so appreciate the advice

4173 / 17
406 posts / 355 likes

Honestly I would buy 2-3 times a week in smaller amount. I would also try multi vendors. People list change all the time.


8 posts / 5 likes

In my opinion it's better to buy 1 large order since you'll get more data and leads at one go. Leads take time to turn into sales thru your email sequence so why wait