It's a really good website! Good community. This is really high!

by Christopher Lwin on 30 December 2019


Hey everyone, Shahnaz here. Welcome to this video. In this video, I'm going to talk about Udimi, but more importantly, I'm going to talk about a couple of things that I kind of forget to mention in my main Udimi review.

So after that, I actually got a lot of questions about how you can find people who deliver good solo ads. and all of that stuff. And this is, that's what I'm going to show you in this video.


Understanding Solo Ads

So before we get there, let me explain what is what I mean what it means basically a website where you can purchase solo ads, basically email traffic to your uh affiliate links, to your landing pages, to, you know, everything that you're trying to sell online. So it's a really good website.  

And what I really like about Udimi is that it's some sort of a community. So, um, you're actually seeing real reviews and people who are, you know, buying solo ads so that you can know, like, if a solo ad is not very good, if it's good, you know.


Finding Good Providers

You're going to get a good idea about a provider and see if they actually deliver buyers and all that stuff. So, it just gives you good data especially if you're new to this. This is the best place to start because, first of all, you can buy in lower quantities and also.

Again, it just gives you the ability to see how other people are getting results. Now, the way I buy solo ads here is, especially if you're new, this is what you need to do.  

You need to go to forum from up here, from your profile, and you need to click on Hall of Fame. This is where you see top sellers.


Identifying Top Sellers

We don't care about these people. You want to look for top sellers. Now, there's something you definitely, definitely want to look for. Obviously these are top sellers, so usually if you think about it, these are the best people to buy from.

So what I do is I usually open them up, maybe a couple of them, and take a look at their stats. Take a look at how they actually deliver, what people are saying about them, what's the minimum.

Because if you're starting in Udimi, it's best to start from real small amounts. Thousand clicks. I mean you can do it obviously, but start from real small amounts. Okay, that's really important.


Avoiding Garbage Traffic

So something I would look is the you know top tier countries how they deliver, so this one is really good and This is something else you gotta check out, you know filtered sales. This is really high So this is something someone that would definitely buy so as from I buy a lot of so last from Malik, so this is something else I would check.

So for example, let's take a look here. 50% sales. So this says that this is really high. Again, this one is also really high. This means that 50% of people who bought a sold out from this person reported sales. I mean, it's really, really high.

And another one, this person, you know, sells 25.  It's okay. And, you know, again, you see the countries, all of that stuff.


Best Practices

So Another thing, let's close these. Another thing I usually look is I usually make sure that people that I'm gonna buy solo ads are not on this list. This is really, really important because some people buy solo ads and then sell them to other people, okay?

And you don't wanna get garbage traffic, obviously, right? So it's absolutely important to make sure that if you wanna buy from someone on the top seller chart, you wanna make sure that their name is not here, okay? It's absolutely important. 

So for example, this person, I see his name here, so I wouldn't buy from that person. Okay, so again, that's the idea. You wanna make sure that you're not buying from someone who's buying solo ads from the Udimi, okay?  Because they're just kind of giving you the garbage traffic.


Concluding Thoughts

So, yeah, that's something else that you should look for. So, yeah, that's pretty much it for this video. I mean, I don't have much to explain about Udimi besides, you know, it's a website, again, where you buy solo ads.

You can send traffic to your landing pages and affiliate links. I would usually send the traffic to my landing page, not a direct affiliate link because it's better. You know, you get to keep your subscribers and that kind of stuff.

I mean... that's something I've talked about in other videos, too. 

You have to send your traffic to a landing page instead of, you know, a fleet link directly. So, um, there's just a couple of things you can actually hear, for example.  You can check out, uh, we can actually set your new swipes. Swipes are basically emails that go out.

And, yeah, that's pretty much it for this video. Let me know if you have any questions. 

If you want to join Udimi, you can click on the link under this video to actually join Udimi if you click on that link I think you're gonna get like a five dollar uh five dollar discount on your first order so let me know if you have any questions if not I'll see you in next video.

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